3 Doors

Author: Thami Mehlomakulu
7 years ago

Riddle: A man is trapped inside a room. There's 3 exits. But he must choose carefully, only 1 door will take him out alive.. the first door is full of assisants that will shoot him when he gets out. The 2nd door is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 months and the last one there's a deadly fire go for the next 2 KM. Which door must he choose to get out safely?
Answer: The 2nd door. It's full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 months.. so they have died already.
Source: https://www.riddles.com/4794
A man is trapped inside a room. There's 3 exits. But he must choose carefully, only 1 door will take him out alive.. the first door is full of assisants that will shoot him when he gets out. The 2nd door is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 months and the last one there's a deadly fire go for the next 2 KM. Which door must he choose to get out safely?
3 doors by Thami Mehlomakulu v1.

Riddle: A man is trapped inside a room. There's 3 exits. But he must choose carefully, only 1 door will take him out alive.. the first door is full of assisants that will shoot him when he gets out. The 2nd door is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 months and the last one there's a deadly fire go for the next 2 KM. Which door must he choose to get out safely? Answer: The 2nd door. It's full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 months.. so they have died already.
by Thami Mehlomakulu v2.