Mirror, Mirror On The Wall?

Author: Vipul Bansal
8 years ago

Riddle: Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the best of all. If the best of all is the best of the best, Who is the best of all?
Answer: The Best of the Best is the best of all.
Source: https://www.riddles.com/3952
Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the best of all. If the best of all is the best of the best, Who is the best of all?
Mirror, Mirror on the wall? by Vipul Bansal v1.

Riddle: Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the best of all. If the best of all is the best of the best, Who is the best of all? Answer: The Best of the Best is the best of all.
by Vipul Bansal v2.