Riddle Proverb 3: Under No Circumstances Compute The Number Of Your Barnyard Fowl Previous To Their Incubation

Author: don orr
8 years ago

Riddle: Under no circumstances compute the number of your barnyard fowl previous to their incubation. What is the proverb?
Answer: Do not count your chickens before they hatch.
Source: https://www.riddles.com/3892
Under no circumstances compute the number of your barnyard fowl previous to their incubation. What is the proverb?
Riddle proverb 3: Under no circumstances compute the number of your barnyard fowl previous to their incubation by don orr v1.

Riddle: Under no circumstances compute the number of your barnyard fowl previous to their incubation. What is the proverb? Answer: Do not count your chickens before they hatch.
by don orr v2.