The Hotel

Author: Makenzie Holley
8 years ago

Riddle: There was a murder in a 4 story circular hotel. The police went inside and spoke to everyone who was inside the hotel at the time of the murder. On the fourth floor there was the butler. He said he was waiting on a customer. On the third floor there was a cook. He said he was finishing lunch. On the second floor there was the librarian. She said she was reading in the corner. On the first floor there was a janitor. He said he was cleaning the bathroom. The cop immediately arrests the librarian. How did he know she did it?
Answer: She was reading in the CORNER. Circular rooms don't have corners.
There was a murder in a 4 story circular hotel. The police went inside and spoke to everyone who was inside the hotel at the time of the murder. On the fourth floor there was the butler. He said he was waiting on a customer. On the third floor there was a cook. He said he was finishing lunch. On the second floor there was the librarian. She said she was reading in the corner. On the first floor there was a janitor. He said he was cleaning the bathroom. The cop immediately arrests the librarian. How did he know she did it?
The Hotel by Makenzie Holley v1.

Riddle: There was a murder in a 4 story circular hotel. The police went inside and spoke to everyone who was inside the hotel at the time of the murder. On the fourth floor there was the butler. He said he was waiting on a customer. On the third floor there was a cook. He said he was finishing lunch. On the second floor there was the librarian. She said she was reading in the corner. On the first floor there was a janitor. He said he was cleaning the bathroom. The cop immediately arrests the librarian. How did he know she did it? Answer: She was reading in the CORNER. Circular rooms don't have corners.
by Makenzie Holley v2.