I Fly Without Feathers; Sleep When You're Awake

Author: Morgan Foster
9 years ago

Riddle: I fly without feathers; Sleep when you're awake; I'm not a mosquito and neither a needle, But blood I'm known to take. What am I?
Answer: I am a vampire bat.
Source: https://www.riddles.com/2025
I fly without feathers;
Sleep when you're awake;
I'm not a mosquito and neither a needle,
But blood I'm known to take.
What am I?
I fly without feathers; Sleep when you're awake by Morgan Foster v1.

Riddle: I fly without feathers;
Sleep when you're awake;
I'm not a mosquito and neither a needle,
But blood I'm known to take.
What am I? Answer: I am a vampire bat.
by Morgan Foster v2.