Pay Attention To The Punctuation!

Author: Gabriella Simonetti
8 months ago

Riddle: Kimberly's mother has seven grandchildren. The first six grandkids are named Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday respectively. What is the name of the seventh grandchild.
Answer: The seventh grandchild's name isn't "Sunday"; it's "What", because "What is the name of the seventh grandchild." is a statement, not a question.
Kimberly's mother has seven grandchildren. The first six grandkids are named Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday respectively. What is the name of the seventh grandchild.
Pay Attention to the Punctuation! by Gabriella Simonetti v1.

Riddle: Kimberly's mother has seven grandchildren. The first six grandkids are named Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday respectively. What is the name of the seventh grandchild. Answer: The seventh grandchild's name isn't "Sunday"; it's "What", because "What is the name of the seventh grandchild." is a statement, not a question.
by Gabriella Simonetti v2.