TSA Dilemma

Author: Dennis ORear
2 years ago

Riddle: There are eight people in the TSA line for inspection. Each one of them has a full 1 Pint bottle of water. All are the same brand of pure water and are unopened. The big sign says liquids over a few ounces are not allowed. The first seven people have to surrender their bottle of water and empty it. But after a brief discussion they let the eighth person go through with their bottle of water intact. Why did this happen?
Answer: The eighth bottle was frozen. The TSA permits completely frozen liquids to pass through.
Source: https://www.riddles.com/10758
There are eight people in the TSA line for inspection. Each one of them has a full 1 Pint bottle of water. All are the same brand of pure water and are unopened. The big sign says liquids over a few ounces are not allowed. The first seven people have to surrender their bottle of water and empty it. But after a brief discussion they let the eighth person go through with their bottle of water intact. Why did this happen?
TSA dilemma by Dennis ORear v1.

Riddle: There are eight people in the TSA line for inspection. Each one of them has a full 1 Pint bottle of water. All are the same brand of pure water and are unopened. The big sign says liquids over a few ounces are not allowed. The first seven people have to surrender their bottle of water and empty it. But after a brief discussion they let the eighth person go through with their bottle of water intact. Why did this happen? Answer: The eighth bottle was frozen. The TSA permits completely frozen liquids to pass through.
by Dennis ORear v2.