Riddle: Beverly is generally considered to be a very practical and emotionally stable woman, but once each year at the beginning of March, she spends $4,000 of her personal savings on her favorite hobby -- watching dog butts. Over the course of a ten-day period, she closely observes the rear ends of at least 16 different dogs. She is so utterly obsessed with her hobby, that she watches these dog butts day and night, stopping only 26 times during the ten-day period to sleep and eat. During this dog butt-watching marathon, she is compelled to carry the following items with her: a bag, an ax, and a special pair of shoes. What kind of a whacked-out hobby is Beverly involved in which creates such an obsession for her each year?
Answer: Beverly enters the Great Alaskan Iditarod Race each year with her 16 Husky mushing dogs. Each competitor must carry a sleeping bag, an axe, and a pair of snow shoes. Of course, being on her sled at the back of her dog team, she has no choice but to see the rear ends of her dog team.
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