Riddle: One day a man was going to the police station. He told the police about the incident he had. He told the police that he was going to the bank with $10,000,000 in his briefcase. He said that a robber snatched the briefcase from the man and ran away. The police asked the man what the robber looked like. The man said he couldn't really see the robber's face or anything else because the robber was wearing a black jumpsuit, mask, and gloves. The police nodded. Then, the police saw a fresh cut on the man's face. He asked if that was the result of the attack. The man said he saw the robber wearing a diamond ring. The police immediately realized the man was lying and put the man in jail. How did the police know?
Answer: The man said that the robber was wearing black gloves. Who wears a ring on top of their gloves?
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