What Common English Word Will Describe A Person Or Thing As Not Being Found

Author: Anonymous
9 years ago

Riddle: What common English word will describe a person or thing as not being found in any place and yet with no changes other than a space between syllables, will correctly describe that person or thing as being actually present at this very moment?
Answer: The word is "NOWHERE". When a space is placed between the 'w' and 'h', you get the words "NOW HERE".
Source: https://www.riddles.com/1024
What common English word will describe a person or thing as not being found in any place and yet with no changes other than a space between syllables, will correctly describe that person or thing as being actually present at this very moment?
What common English word will describe a person or thing as not being found by Anonymous v1.

Riddle: What common English word will describe a person or thing as not being found in any place and yet with no changes other than a space between syllables, will correctly describe that person or thing as being actually present at this very moment?  Answer: The word is "NOWHERE". When a space is placed between the 'w' and 'h', you get the words "NOW HERE".
by Anonymous v2.